6" Raspberry Millionaire's Pie (Dandelion Chocolate Collaboration, 3/3-3/14)
This year we are excited to offer 6" versions of our popular Dandelion collab pies!
For this special pie we're partnering with some of our favorite nerds in town - the fine folks over at Dandelion Chocolate! Dandelion makes incredible single-origin chocolate, and we are so excited to partner with them to bring these special treats to you.
Raspberry Millionaire's Pie features our famous butter crust filled with a layer each of lush caramel, rich raspberry shortbread, and 70% Anamalai, India chocolate raspberry ganache, all baked under a π embellished top crust.
- Available 3/3-3/14 for SF Delivery and Pickup
- Available 3/3-3/9 for Nationwide Shipping
- Serves 2-8 people (depending on the size your sweet tooth)
- Requires 24 hours of notice
Photo Credit: Nick Katkov